Library Staff

SPPL with a photo of the library entrance

To email staff: 
When using the website on a desktop, place cursor on "Email" to view email address. 
When using the website on a table or smartphone, click on "Email" to open with your choice of email app. 

Administrative Services

Library policies, governance, advocacy, and management.

Svetha Hetzler headshotLibrary Director
Svetha Hetzler
(608) 825-0900  shetzler [at] (Email)
Administrative and Project Librarian
Sarah Michaelis
(608) 825-7323 x 2017 smichaelis [at] (Email)

Adult Services

Reference and information services, technology assistance, and community partnerships, please call the Information Desk at (608) 825-0702.

Erin Williams Heart, Head of Adult Services. White woman with brown hair. Black and white scarf, red staff badge, purple shirt and cardigan.
Head of Adult Services
Erin Williams Hart
(608) 825-0902  ewilliamshart [at] (Email)
Maggie E.
Adult Programming & Outreach Librarian
Maggie Eichenlaub
(608) 825-7323 x 2043  
Jill Rupp headshot
Adult Services Librarian
Jill Rupp (she/her)
(608) 825-7323 x 2044

Technical Services

Cataloging, acquisitions, processing.

Kate Hull, Head of Technical ServicesHead of Technical Services
Kate Hull
(608) 825-0901 khull [at] (Email)
 Assistant Technical Services Librarian
Heather Garvey
(608) 825-7323 x 2042

The Sun Prairie Public Library employs staff at a variety of levels from part-time pages and university interns to full-time management staff. To see if we are hiring, contact the City of Sun Prairie.

Youth Services

Storytime and program questions please call the Youth Services desk at (608) 825-0701

Head of Youth Services
Lynn Montague
Pronouns: she/hers
(608) 825-0903  lmontague [at] (Email)

Teen Services Librarian
Melissa Carollo
Pronouns: she/hers
(608) 825-7323 x 2033  mcarollo [at] (Email)
Youth Services Librarian
Sammy Nieman
Pronouns: she/hers
(608) 825-7323 x 2025  snieman [at] (Email)

Circulation Services

Study room reservations, book renewals, and questions about fees or damaged items, please call (608) 825-7323.

Head of Access & Circulation Services
Steev Baker
(608) 825-0904  sbaker [at] (Email)
 Circulation & Access Services Librarian
Nicole Beattie
(608) 825-7323 x 2013  
 Technology Coordinator
Jan Holmes 
(608) 825-7323 x 2032